Juliette Bryant is a modern-day alchemist who presents to us the wonders of nutrition in a genuinely engaging and holistic way.

Her teachings take us back to our roots and make us feel an archaic connection to Mother Earth. She always shares her love for simple things and nature with everyone generously.

The essence of her work is to empower people with simple tools to enhance their lives. Her motto is to “let delicious food be your medicine.”

Juliette’s passion is to show clients, including schools, restaurants, and juice bars worldwide, that gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based and refined sugar-free foods can be delicious, look fantastic, and have medicinal and health benefits.

She has made over 50 episodes of “Juliette’s Kitchen,” an online TV show, where she demonstrates a wide range of medicinal recipes during her global travels.

Juliette understands the solutions nature provides and has changed hundreds of people’s lives by showing them simple ways that food can help us heal.

I am delighted to host Juliette on GreenLivingUK for this interview and learn about nutrition and the plant’s healing power.

Juliette, first of all, thank you very much for accepting to be featured on GreenLivingUK. Can you please tell us about you and how you discovered your passion for herbal medicine and wild food cooking?

“I discovered my passion for herbal medicine and wild foods, and connecting people to the earth when I was a child.
My mother got sick with multiple sclerosis and transformed our diet from when I was eight years old to a mainly vegetarian diet and eating in a very holistic way, so this really gave me a good grounding for nutrition.
Then, when I was pregnant with my first child, I studied nutrition because it was then I decided that I really needed to understand how the human body worked and what food would really fuel my growing child.
That was my real first movement to health and wellbeing for myself and my career as well.
I wanted to bring up my son as a vegetarian at the time, and a lot of people were saying that you couldn’t do this and have a healthy child. I knew this wasn’t true but didn’t know how to prove that.
So, I really wanted to have the evidence to understand and get into that more.

My connection to wild food has grown as I’ve connected with growing foods myself, and there’s such magic in collecting and harvesting your own foods and plants.
When you go out foraging, it gives you such a deeper connection with the earth, and with the fact that we are one with the earth, so that’s such a beautiful journey.”

Tell us about your journey from the Conservation and Ecology degree to studying Nutrition, becoming a Chef, a mentor, and a healer.

“My journey actually began as training to be an actress, and then from there, I studied healing, meditation, and then nutrition.

Later on down the line, I did my degree in conservation and ecology.”

‘So really, my core principles have always been with our healing, meditation, and connecting to the earth. Nutrition and conservation are just aspects of that, and becoming a chef was part of that too.
It’s that journey of discovering food and how food can really nourish us, and that connection to the earth is also caught within that.’

How do you connect with the healing power of nature and its spirituality? What is your secret?

“So, for me to connect with the healing power of nature and its spirituality, it is really about getting out on the earth.
It is about sitting by trees, getting onto the ground barefoot, and feeling the connection of the earth, breathing into that, and it is about realising that we are one with the air.

When I look at all of the beautiful plants and the flowers and see the majesty of that, the majesty that is nature, it reminds me and awakens me to the magnificence that I am as well as that we all are.
So, I think another large part of connecting to the healing power of nature and spirituality is growing foods yourself and the foraging aspect.

When you grow food, you start to understand the energetic character of those plants.

When you grow medicinal herbs, you start to really see the spirit of the plant as opposed to just using it on a physical level.

So for me, it’s very much about tuning in to the different levels of the plant.

It’s about meditating with plants, connecting with them, and asking them how they want to work with us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.”

You are incredibly passionate about nutrition, simple, plant-based foods and the positive and transformational effect on people’s health. Which foods should we regularly consume to maintain optimum physical health?

“So, the foods that I feel are best to maintain optimum physical health are, as much as we can, things that we can grow ourselves that we can produce locally.
And we need to get fats in our diet. Good fats, hemp seeds are a great source of fat. Other nuts and seeds are essential.

Although not a local food for me, avocados are a great source of fat, so that is a good thing that I like to have: fats are a key to optimum physical health and good nutrition.
Also, having variety across the section of nutrients, so you’re getting all the different phytonutrients coming into your diet, is really important.

So even if it’s just a little sprinkling of herb that you grow on your windowsill.

Having that fresh food is key but adding in the micronutrients (things like your sprouts or microgreens), again, things that can be grown in the kitchen or on your windowsill, are important.

For me, a plant-based diet is essential, along with cutting out processed food as much as you can.

Finally, getting back to eating Whole Foods is an important thing.”

Have some wild foods, and some fresh foods in every meal and not overcook everything.

What is the best single thing we can do to improve our wellbeing?

“Drink more water. Drink good clean water is one of the most important things we can do to improve our wellbeing.

Also, connecting to our mind and our consciousness. It is about being conscious about every action we do; it is vital for our overall wellbeing.

Our mind has a powerful effect on our health and wellbeing.”

We live in a world that is isolated from the natural environment. Most of us feel uneasy as soon as we step out into the countryside. What can we do to change that?

“The more you go outside. The more you get your feet on the earth, the more you will start to wake up to how revitalising and renewing it is.”The more you go outside. The more you get your feet on the earth, the more you will start to wake up to how revitalising and renewing it is.

You can do it slowly in gradual steps.

Everything else is so disconnected from our natural state that we should be in. You will start to reawaken your natural state of being, which is to be one with everything.”

‘The more you can be barefoot on the ground, on the grass (not on concrete), and breathe up the earth’s energy you will start to remember that you ARE actually one with that energy.’

In your videos, you talk a lot about “grounding.” A lot of us live in urban communities. Electrical appliances and electronic devices surround us. We rarely go barefoot. As a result, we have disconnected from our electrical roots and Mother Earth. How can we change that, and what exactly is “grounding”?

“So, grounding is something that is very important for us as human beings.

Grounding is when you feel calm, peaceful, and centered in where you are and your space in time. You are stable and observant.
Getting our feet on the earth is vital because we are electromagnetic beings, and we have an electromagnetic field.

The fact that we live under artificial lights and Wi-Fi-connected electrical equipment interferes with our electromagnetic fields.

This disconnects us from the earth and stops us from recharging.

So when we connect with even a small patch of grass, when we hold a tree, we start recharging our electromagnetic field and recharge our battery.

This is an important thing to do. Also, switch off your phones as much as you can, turn off your Wi-Fi and find things that can help you defuse the EMFs; these are all great things we can do.

So grounding is when you connect back into the earth, you root into the ground. Remember that you are one with that source of life.”

Plant Medicine Woman, Superfood Alchemist, and Mentor Juliette Bryant on nutrition and how to thrive physically and mentally

With so much happening in the world, what tools and practices can we use to overcome these turbulent times?

“There is so much turbulence in the world at the moment that one of the only things we can do is rely on ourselves. The constant of our breath, the constant of who we are.

We need to meditate and detoxify our bodies.

We can do things like activated charcoal to clear out our system, drink more water, have our greens, and eat as much fresh food as we can.
Also, detaching from the mainstream narrative as much as we can. For me – you know – there are a lot of troubling things going on in the world. But when you step outside, and you look at the trees, and you look at nature, and you hear the birds singing, you can see that life continues as perfectly as it ever did.

So try to connect to that reality as much as you can instead of the dramas all around us.

And when you feel like the circumstances are pulling you away, come back to your breath, come back to your centre because it is such an important thing.

Breathing, hydrating, eating good food, detoxifying yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually and setting goals setting intentions for how you want to live.
Visualise and bring the reality of what you want in your life, take charge of what reality you want to live in.”

Can you tell us about your book “Superfoods and How to Use Them”?

“I wrote my book “Superfoods and How to Use Them” as a guide for people to be empowered by understanding about nutrition, what food does and how to use it.

So the book explains the different types of foods, and then it explains exactly how you can use those foods to your benefit.

The book is a really useful tool for people who want to use food as their medicine.
All the recipes are plant-based, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and filled with a lot of love!
I’ve had excellent feedback from people who read the book.

It has become like a manual for their lives, which is really amazing, and I’m super pleased that I wrote it.”

How do you help people to connect with their inner selves and stay healthy? What services do you offer?

“One of my main pieces of work is guiding people to connect with their inner wisdom.

I help them understand that by listening to their bodies, they can boost their health and well-being.

And I do this in many different ways.
I offer a membership programme, which includes a monthly masterclass and workshop on various topics that people can tune into via Zoom. I also share many recipes, and I provide a members’ portal, which is an excellent resource for people who want to dive deeper into health, nutrition, and well-being. Additionally, I support members via a support group on Telegram.

Also, I offer 1:1 consultations where I look at what’s going on with someone’s health, and I guide them on how they can boost their health.

Finally, I have a three or 6-month mentorship programme on either one-to-one or group mentoring. With this service, they have a consultation and a weekly meeting to dive into more in-depth aspects of the human being on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level – it is a fantastic programme.

On top of that, I create lots of superfoods available to buy on my website. I currently have the super green mix medicinal mushroom mix, CBD hot chocolate mix, Euphoria, Ecstatic herbal Alexia, and the Loving mix – a powdered smoothie mix to open the heart.”

Juliette Bryant Staying Healthy 15min Talk

You can find more about Juliette Bryant at www.juliettebryant.com
Connect with Juliette: mewe.com/i/juliettebryant Facebook/julietteskitchen.tv/ or Telegram.


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