The journey towards sustainable travel takes us across Europe and into the heart of the Nordic countries, where sustainability is not just a goal but a way of life.

The Global Destination Sustainability Movement’s (GDS-Index report) results, highlight destinations that exemplify environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability.

You can try their Destination Finder and compare tool to rank destinations using different metrics:

Let’s explore these sustainable places, from Western and Eastern Europe to the Nordic regions, for ideas on Eco-Friendly Travel.

Western Europe’s Leaders in Sustainability

Lyon, France: A Gourmet’s Green City

Lyon pairs its culinary heritage with robust sustainability practices. Its commitment to green public spaces, local markets, and an efficient public transportation system showcases the city’s dedication to reducing its ecological footprint, making it a model for sustainable urban living.

Where to Travel in 2024: A Guide to Sustainable Destinations in Europe and the Nordics
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Zürich, Switzerland: Forward-Thinking Green Initiatives

Zürich excels in sustainability through innovation. With a focus on renewable energy, extensive public transport networks, and green urban spaces, Zürich combines natural beauty with a sustainable lifestyle, providing a green blueprint for cities worldwide.

Glasgow, Scotland: The Green Cultural Hub

Glasgow’s transformation into a sustainable destination is remarkable. Investments in renewable resources, eco-friendly transportation, and public parks reflect Glasgow’s environmental commitment. This, paired with its rich cultural tapestry, makes Glasgow a fantastic destination for the eco-conscious traveller.

Eastern Europe’s Sustainable Jewels

Ljubljana, Slovenia: The Green Heart of Europe

Ljubljana’s sustainability efforts, including its car-free city centre, extensive recycling, and green zones, make it an exemplary model for eco-tourism. The city’s balance of natural and historical beauty with environmental priorities invites visitors to explore responsibly.

Photo by Attila Pergel on

Tallinn, Estonia: Where Old Meets New in Sustainability

Tallinn merges its medieval charm with cutting-edge digital innovation for sustainability. Its smart public transport and commitment to green living practices highlight Tallinn’s role as a forward-thinking, sustainable city that respects its past while looking to the future.

Krakow, Poland: Preserving Culture with a Green Focus

Krakow demonstrates that cultural heritage and sustainability can go hand in hand. With initiatives in sustainable transport and energy efficiency, Krakow invites visitors to enjoy its historic wonders in an eco-friendly manner.

The Nordics: Pioneers of the Green Movement

Copenhagen, Denmark: The Bicycle City

Copenhagen’s ambition to be carbon neutral by 2025 is evident in its cycling culture, renewable energy projects, and organic dining. The city’s comprehensive approach to sustainability makes it a beacon for eco-friendly urban living.

Stockholm, Sweden: The Eco-Friendly Capital

Stockholm, awarded the first European Green Capital, continues to lead in environmental initiatives. Its green spaces, clean waterways, and commitment to sustainable living are integral to the city’s identity, offering a blend of modernity and nature.

Oslo, Norway: Innovating for a Greener Future

Oslo’s investment in green technology, electric transport, and carbon capture initiatives showcases its commitment to becoming a more sustainable city. Oslo offers a harmonious blend of nature and city life with its parks, forests, and the fjords.

Photo by Boris K. on

Reykjavik, Iceland: Powered by Nature

Nearly entirely powered by geothermal and hydroelectric energy, Reykjavik’s commitment to sustainability is unmatched. Its preservation of natural wonders and promoting eco-tourism make it a leading destination for sustainable travel.

Eco-Friendly Travel
Photo by Kata Pal on

Embracing Eco-Friendly Travel

These destinations, from the heart of Europe to the Nordic countries, offer inspiring examples of how travel can be both enjoyable and eco-friendly.

By choosing to visit places like Lyon, Ljubljana, Copenhagen, and Stockholm, we can support sustainable efforts that contribute to a better planet and enhance our cultural experiences.

Focusing on regions that share these values encourages their governments to strive for even greater environmental sustainability.

Let’s support destinations that make a considerable effort to become more sustainable and encourage others to do the same.

Collectively, we can make a significant impact on our world.

Top image: Photo by Matt Hardy on Pexels


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